Our information security protects your data
Protecting (personal) data stands or falls with having adequate information security. That’s our philosophy.
Enovation’s service portfolio contributes to secure communication and integration within and with your organisation as well as with your patients, clients or citizens and helps you to comply with applicable laws and regulations.
In addition, we believe it is important that our business processes also meet these requirements and that our employees apply this principle and carry it out in their daily work. To this end, Enovation has set up a Management System that is periodically tested by an independent, expert third party. Under Information Security & Data Protection and Compliance & Governance you can read more about what we do and how we have set things up.
Information Security & Data Protection
Our philosophy is that protecting (personal) data is inseparable from having adequate information security.
The high demands that you and the government place on our services form the guideline for how we handle your data and that of your patients, clients and citizens. Here you can read how Enovation has arranged its Information Security & Data Protection.

Responsible Disclosure
Compliance & Governance
Our goal is maximum protection of your data. By regularly reviewing our security and privacy measures, we make it clear and demonstrable to you that we do everything in our power to achieve maximum protection of confidential information.
The certificates we have obtained show that we consider the quality and security aspects of our processes to be of paramount importance. This applies to all Enovation locations, in the Netherlands as well as abroad. In the overview below we clearly state which standards and verifications apply. Would you like more information about the standard and/or view the corresponding certificate? Click on the standard in the overview below.