Easily accessible chat with the Jeroen Bosch Hospital outpatient pharmacy
The outpatient pharmacy at the JHA shares how they use Enovation Zaurus live chat to communicate with patients.
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Welcome to our new website!
We all want to live independently in our own home for as long as we can. At home, in a familiar environment, in a world we know. All that becomes more difficult once we start needing care. That’s when we want to have the right people and the right assistance on hand – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Technology Enabled Care (TEC) services are essential to make that happen, especially solutions that enable personal alarm and telecare monitoring.
Digital solutions for personal alarms and monitoring make the right care accessible to everyone living at home. From help after a fall to medication checks and from short video calls to more extensive visits – it can all be provided with the touch of a button and is easily organised by care centres. This is how healthcare technology becomes indispensable to client and care providers.
Platform for telecare alarm monitoring:
Enovation has developed an open and independent platform that gives you access to key functionalities to provide an effective personal alarm and monitoring system.
Monitor alarms from hundreds of types of connected devices from many manufacturers, many of them officially certified through the Enovation Partner Programme for added reassurance.
Read moreProviding remote care and monitoring of a wide variety of sensors and services for clients at home or in sheltered accommodation.
Read moreAlarm follow-up by mobile teams at the patient’s home, coordinated by the monitoring centre.
Read moreConduct video consultations or multi-disciplinary meetings with colleagues, patients and clients. From your desktop, laptop, tablet
or smartphone.
Perform and record duplicate checks digitally with a client, informal carer, colleague or healthcare centre. On site or remotely.
Read moreThe platform integrates with all solutions.
Choose from over 200 certified partners.
More than 1.4 million clients are monitored by a multitude of devices.
See how colleagues use the Enovation platform.
The outpatient pharmacy at the JHA shares how they use Enovation Zaurus live chat to communicate with patients.
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In this customer story, we explain how the digital consultation was deployed at Zuyderland Medical Centre's Breast Centre and what the experiences were.
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Via smart glasses, video can be streamed to colleagues, allowing them to support without being physically present.
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