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Medication Check

enovation medimo

Improve medication safety

Working with medication is error prone and risky. The rising shortages of healthcare professionals increases work pressure, which means it can be difficult sometimes to double check everything on location. A digital medication check allows for a remote double check, reducing the risk of errors.

Medication control is part of our Enovation Medimo product.


Four-eyes principle

Administering high-risk medication such as insulin requires the use of a double medication check with the so-called ‘four-eyes principle’. By using a picture of the medication, the check can be performed digitally and remotely. The double check can also be performed by a colleague from your own healthcare organisation or by external care centres.

The remote medication check:

  • offers insight into who is allowed to perform the double check of high-risk medication (competency check).


In combination with electronic medication administration registration, it will be clear:

  • who has performed the medication check.
  • which high-risk medication has been administered to whom.

Medication check supports the healthcare process

Curious about all the options for medication checks?

Feel free to contact us!

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