Easily accessible chat with the Jeroen Bosch Hospital outpatient pharmacy
The outpatient pharmacy at the JHA shares how they use Enovation Zaurus live chat to communicate with patients.
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Welcome to our new website!
To provide quality care, we must have correct and accurate patient information. If any information is missing, it could lead to an inaccurate patient assessment and affect the care provided.
But as healthcare professionals you work with a growing number of organisations within any given network, with information coming in from many different areas, from different infrastructures, applications and standards. This means that the effective exchange and transfer of data is becoming increasingly more important – and more complex.
An effective information exchange requires a solution that connects and unifies the fragmented healthcare landscape. A user-friendly platform that aligns with all key standards and transmits information to partners in the right formats – regardless of the technology used by that partner. This results in a network that always has the right patient information available and provides the best possible care.
A single data exchange platform ensures:
Enovation combines technical knowledge and 40 years of experience in the healthcare sector into a comprehensive platform for optimal data sharing and transfer, giving you the right solutions for your organisation.
Sending structured messages between the information systems of, for example, GPs, pharmacists and hospitals.
Read moreStandardised disclosure of clinical data elements based on the international standard FHIR.
Read moreConnect safe and simple to the National Switch Point (LSP) with your healthcare system.
Read moreView medical images, reports, documents, basic healthcare data set and lab results.
Read moreComplete transfer from hospital or GP to other healthcare organisation in the network.
Read moreSharing of digital medical images and documents with collaborating healthcare organisations based on international IHE standards.
Read moreFacilitate the basic needs of healthcare providers: complete and accurate information.
Make information available to patients via portals and PHEs.
Comply with national developments and standards.
See how colleagues use the Enovation platform.
The outpatient pharmacy at the JHA shares how they use Enovation Zaurus live chat to communicate with patients.
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In this customer story, we explain how the digital consultation was deployed at Zuyderland Medical Centre's Breast Centre and what the experiences were.
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Via smart glasses, video can be streamed to colleagues, allowing them to support without being physically present.
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