Easily accessible chat with the Jeroen Bosch Hospital outpatient pharmacy
The outpatient pharmacy at the JHA shares how they use Enovation Zaurus live chat to communicate with patients.
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The rapid development of ICT in the healthcare sector has led to an unbridled growth of the number of applications, connections between applications, programming languages and standards. As a result, ICT often doesn’t work like well-oiled machine, but as a collection of individual parts. This leads to a stagnation in the provision of information, less collaboration and reduced support for healthcare providers.
You can change that by using proven systems integration processes. These solutions will allow you to simplify your integrations within your ICT landscape and manage them more effectively. This will make your systems work as one unit, make data more easily available to third parties and facilitate collaboration with others to provide quality care.
Systems integration offers the following benefits:
Enovation developed several system integration solutions to better and more easily connect the systems and applications within the ICT landscape.
The communication server that aggregates data from various information systems from within or outside the healthcare organisation.
Read moreIncorporate medical data directly into the information system, alarm management system and EPR.
Read moreStandardised disclosure of clinical data elements based on the international standard FHIR.
Read moreSending structured messages between the information systems of, for example, GPs, pharmacists and hospitals.
Read moreSharing of digital medical images and documents with collaborating healthcare organisations based on international IHE standards.
Read moreEasily translate information into the right format.
Make use of existing integrations.
Monitor your integrations and perform your own management interventions when necessary.
See how colleagues use the Enovation platform.
The outpatient pharmacy at the JHA shares how they use Enovation Zaurus live chat to communicate with patients.
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In this customer story, we explain how the digital consultation was deployed at Zuyderland Medical Centre's Breast Centre and what the experiences were.
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Via smart glasses, video can be streamed to colleagues, allowing them to support without being physically present.
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