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For signalling between professionals involved with youth care, using the Dutch Verwijsindex (Referral index).

Management and collaboration

MULTIsignaal Verwijsindex offers professionals in different youth care domains a digital network for management and cooperation. Professionals that work with young people up to the age of 23 indicate here who they are involved with. From the moment a signal is issued, those involved are able to immediately connect.

This improves cooperation and allows professionals to coordinate the best support for the young person or the family at an early stage. This provides a more complete picture of the issues and and prevents duplicate or parallel efforts.

Enovation Platform

MULTIsignaal is part of signalling, a functionality of Enovation’s connected care platform.


Indication of commitment to a young person by professionals from youth welfare, healthcare, social services and education.

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The advantages of MULTIsignaal

  • Management function

    Decide together who will be the point of contact. This avoids multiple professionals working on the same solution, which saves time.

  • Avoid parallel efforts

    All those involved are identified, reducing the amount of duplicated work.

  • Supports '1 family, 1 plan'

    The family match identifies professionals involved with siblings, thus supporting the 1 family, 1 plan approach.

  • For municipalities

    Municipalities work together across domains via MULTIsignaal to cope with the rising and changing demand for care.

  • Management function

    Decide together who will be the point of contact. This avoids multiple professionals working on the same solution, which saves time.

  • Avoid parallel efforts

    All those involved are identified, reducing the amount of duplicated work.

  • Supports '1 family, 1 plan'

    The family match identifies professionals involved with siblings, thus supporting the 1 family, 1 plan approach.

  • For municipalities

    Municipalities work together across domains via MULTIsignaal to cope with the rising and changing demand for care.

Want to know if Multisignaal is also linked to your information system or device?

See our partners for MULTIsignaal

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Would you like to know more?

Contact us and we’d be happy to help!

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