Digital consultations at the Breast Centre clinic of Zuyderland Medical Centre
In this customer story, we explain how the digital consultation was deployed at Zuyderland Medical Centre's Breast Centre and what the experiences were.
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Video calling is easy and accessible and offers patients more autonomy and ownership of their day.
Video calling is part of our Enovation Zaurus product.
Video calling, also known as video consultations or telemedicine, is a consultation where a healthcare provider offers remote care to a patient via a direct video connection. Both the healthcare provider and patient connect with their tablet, smartphone, laptop or television.
COVID-19 has accelerated the use of video calls in healthcare. Personal contact via video has proven to be a good alternative for patient consultations when a physical examination is not required. As a healthcare provider, the use of video calls gives you a better impression of the situation without the need to visit the patient or have them come to you. It’s useful for asking general questions and offering remote assistance with daily activities.
Video calls with patients are becoming increasingly popular, but video calls between healthcare providers using ad hoc video contact or an online multidisciplinary meeting are also becoming more common.
Growing regional cooperation makes easy contact between healthcare providers even more important. The easier it is for providers to discuss a specific patient or exchange information, the better it will be for the patient and an efficient healthcare operation.
A video consultation is quick and easy, saving time to provide more qualitative healthcare.
The patient can speak to you from their comfortable home environment.
Both the healthcare provider and patient don’t have to travel for online consultations.
A video consultation includes visual contact. This allows for a better assessment of health problems than via a phone consultation.
Multidisciplinary meetings are very important in healthcare. Video calls naturally add great value here.
Video calls in practice
In this customer story, we explain how the digital consultation was deployed at Zuyderland Medical Centre's Breast Centre and what the experiences were.
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Via smart glasses, video can be streamed to colleagues, allowing them to support without being physically present.
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At TSN Home Care, they are constantly looking at how digital applications can support their care processes.
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